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Trickle flows into the sea, Civil engineering students fight the COVID-19

Date of issue :2021-05-17   Hits:

On May 14, the College of civil engineering received a letter of thanks from the Voluntary Service Federation of Zuoquan county. The Voluntary Service Federation expressed sincere thanks to Yang Chaoyang, a student of 1903 class majoring in civil engineering of the college. In January 2021, when the COVID-19 occurred in Hebei Province and Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Yang volunteered to become a volunteer of epidemic prevention and control in Zuoquan county and actively participated in the volunteer service of epidemic prevention and control during the epidemic period.

In his work, Yang Zhaoyang was always working hard and fearlessly. He rushed into the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and insisted on the registered residence hall of the police station of Zuo Quan county. He helped the police to register the returned personnel in the field and carry out publicity on epidemic prevention knowledge. He declared "fear" and "no retreat" in the name of youth. It has fully demonstrated the mission spirit and good style of young people in the new era.

The college has been committed to strengthening the ideological and political education of college students. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the college focuses on cultivating the ideological awareness, sense of responsibility and patriotic awareness of our students through class learning, essay solicitation and push. This letter of thanks is not only an appreciation and encouragement to Yang Chaoyang, but also a great affirmation of the ideological and political education work of our college. We will call on more students to keep up with Yang Chaoyang, do their best for the development of the motherland and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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